New Life
The Catholic Center’s weekly meeting on Tuesday nights at 8 PM. A great place to meet new friends, grown in your faith, and have a good time.

Men's Events
Every Thursday the men from the surrounding campuses gather either in large group or small groups to grow in character and strive after true Christian masculinity.

Women's Events
Every Thursday the women from the surrounding campuses gather either in large group or small groups to seek the Lord and strive after true Christian femininity.

Spiritual Advising & Retreats
Want to grow closer to God but not sure how? Or not sure how to handle a particular situation in your life? The CC staff is more than happy to meet with you either once or on a regular basis,
The CC also offers Fall and Spring retreats for undergrad and graduate students.

Socials & Sports
The CC Social Committee offers many fun ways to take a break from studying. Whether that it is throwing a Halloween party or getting off-campus by organizing an ice-skating trip to the North End, you are invited to come join us.

Local Service & Spring Break Trips
The CC Service and Respect Life Committees offer many ways to give back to the community here locally by delivering PB&Js to those who struggle with homelessness or running Alternate Spring Break (ASB’s) trips often to help those hit by recent natural disasters.

Serve/Play/Sing at Mass
Interested in altar serving, lecturing (reading), being a Eucharistic Minister, singing or playing in the choir/praise band at the mass on Sundays?
Contact us!

RCIA / What Catholics Believe
If you’ve been meaning to make your confirmation and keep putting it off, maybe this is the year. We offer classes for confirmation, first communion or baptism. You can also attend if you just want to learn about Catholicism. Classes are approved by the Archdiocese. More info found here.

Student Leadership
The CC offers many ways one can grow in servant leadership. Please contact any of the staff if you are interested in a leadership position. See this year’s student leaders here.

(617) 297-7364
Catholic Center
Serving Colleges of Boston
A Ministry of the Roman Catholic Church Archdiocese of Boston